How to create a local repository using apt-mirror and mirrorkit?

Having a local repository can be very useful. It is possible to use rsync to create a repository mirror, but this results in all the releases being downloaded, even older ones and would include files for architectures that might not be needed.

apt-mirror allows one to selectively choose parts of the repository. mirrorkit provides a front-end to apt-mirror.

What is the best way to create a local repository mirror for selected parts of the Ubuntu archives?

For example, one might wish to include:

  • Main, Restricted, Universe, Multiverse, All Ubuntu and Lubuntu but exclude other derivatives, such as Kubuntu and Xubuntu.

  • Only AMD64 and i386 but exclude other architectures.

  • Only Trusty Tahr, but not Precise Penguin or Utopic Unicorn.

One might wish to configure the process so that it downloaded from a local mirror, rather than the main archives.

How can I create local repository using apt-mirror and mirrorkit for a selected architecture, release, or Ubuntu variant?

Solution 1:

The CD repository and software repository are two distinct components (they even have separate Launchpad pages: cdmirrors and archivemirrors). Therefore, mirroring them are two distinct tasks. Further, while the various flavours have different folders on the CD repository, they share a software repository. So you can selectively mirror the images per flavour, but not the software. For the software repository, you can selectively mirror based on:

  • release (trusty, precise, etc.)
  • architecture (amd64, i386, etc.)
  • package type (binary [deb] vs source [deb-src])
  • channels (trusty, trusty-updates, trusty-backports, etc.)
  • sections (main, multiverse, etc.)

To mirror the software repository, use apt-mirror.

apt-mirror is configured using /etc/apt/mirror.list. It has a format very similar to sources.list. The configuration file installed by the package has a few commented out options which list their defaults. If you wish, you can uncomment and change them.

To mirror a repository, you need to add a line to mirror.list like you would for sources.list:

deb trusty main multiverse restricted universe

The default is to mirror only the host's architecture, so if you're on a 64-bit Ubuntu, only amd64 will be mirrored. You need to add another line of the form:

deb-i386 trusty main multiverse restricted universe

And for source packages:

deb-src trusty main multiverse restricted universe

If you're looking for a reasonably complete mirror, these lines would be the minimum (I would also recommend -updates channel):

deb trusty main multiverse restricted universe
deb trusty-security main multiverse restricted universe
deb-i386 trusty main multiverse restricted universe
deb-i386 trusty-security main multiverse restricted universe

Finally, you need to add a clean line so that packages no longer available in the repository are filtered for removal:


Say your variables are thus (the defaults):

set base_path    /var/spool/apt-mirror
set mirror_path  $base_path/mirror
set skel_path    $base_path/skel
set var_path     $base_path/var
set cleanscript $var_path/


  • The repository will be mirrored to $mirror_path/parent-hostname/directory (so /var/spool/apt-mirror/mirror/
  • The (which will be a set of rm commands to delete obsolete packages and directories) will be /var/spool/apt-mirror/var/
  • The logs will go to /var/spool/apt-mirror/var.

The apt-mirror package installs a cron job (/etc/cron.d/apt-mirror), which you should edit to enable (by uncommenting the line containing /usr/bin/apt-mirror). You should also add a cron job for running (I run it weekly).

Of course, you should replace with whichever mirror you prefer.

Solution 2:

I recommend apt-cacher for those with limited space or those having exhorbitant internet prices in their countries.

apt-mirror, allegedly, requires at least 15GB for each flavour (32/64 bit) of the distro you want. apt-cacher only uses the packages you have installed.

Read Create a Local Ubuntu Repository using Apt-Mirror and Apt-Cacher for more details/instructions please.