What does "has a laser on" mean? [closed]

“Has a laser on” isn’t a generally used expression. It is a reference to one particular prior tweet by a sports reporter who was trying to come up with a creative way to reveal draft picks while maintaining a pretense of plausible deniability:

During the 2018 NBA Draft, reporters were asked not to tip picks in advance. Wojnarowski heeded this request until the New York Times’s Marc Stein began revealing the selections moments before they were announced.

So Wojnarowski countered by leaning on an assortment of clever verbs and adjectives as his loophole for revealing his scoops: “Source: Portland has a laser on Anfernee Simons,’’ he tweeted.

(“What to make of ESPN reporter Adrian Wojnarowski’s exchange with Missouri Senator Josh Hawley”, By Chad Finn, July 15, 2020)

(Silver is well known to be a sports fan.) That is, it’s an allusion to an intentionally oddly worded tweet. The meaning is most likely that Silver wants to indicate that he thinks Biden will take the Electoral College, but doesn’t want to directly call the race yet.