Antonym of "context"? [closed]

Solution 1:

In isolation. To analyse a work of art in isolation is to analyse it alone, without consideration of anything outside of the artwork itself.

Out of context is related, but to me it can imply that the artwork has been deliberately removed from its context, whether in terms of the analysis or of the setting in which the analyst encounters it.

Solution 2:

What is inside a work of art are its contents....either representations or physical stuff like paint or marble.

What is outside of it, is extrinsic (as opposed to intrinsic) and part of the context in which it is produced!

as in this text:


However, attempting to draw out values from that experience and thus construct an extrinsic framework in which to understand and objectively judge art, as Greenberg does, ultimately makes his own responses interested (as his judgements are constantly related to a set of criteria which are pre-formulated)

extrinsic to a work of art


Students will therefore demonstrate an awareness of the appropriate uses of different kinds of information in the construction of a critical text, including information intrinsic and extrinsic to the art work or works.

extrinsic to the art work


The arts will no longer attempt to communicate a conceptual message that can be abstracted from the work: they will not seek to represent, but rather will attempt to eliminate anything extrinsic to the art-work and thus to present “art” as such.

extrinsic to the art-work

Enough, right?


Is the quality of art intrinsic to the artwork, or extrinsic? How have different contexts elevated some art works from the past, and diminished others?



Definition of extrinsic 1a: not forming part of or belonging to a thing : EXTRANEOUS
b: originating from or on the outside
especially : originating outside a part and acting upon the part as a whole extrinsic muscles of the tongue

Solution 3:

The opposite of contextually is acontextually, where acontextual means "not relating to or determined by a particular context".