Alternative ways to express "Examples of Something" [closed]

I am conceiving the title of a web page where a number of examples will be listed.

I can use the page title "Examples of Something" e.g. "Examples of Cars", "Examples of Jobs" and "Examples of Fruits" but I'm looking for a more fashion, business-friendly, title-appealing way to title the page, perhaps using a two-word title.

Are there alternative ways to express "Examples of Something"?

Solution 1:

Although examples is probably the most widely used and most to the point, yes there are other alternatives, such as:

  1. Samples of _______
  2. Illustrations of _______ (If that works with what you are doing)
  3. You could simply use ______ Examples to eliminate the "of"
  4. The topic that you are writing on: Ex. Electric cars
  5. The reasoning behind ______