Want two instances (Windows) of Notepad++ [duplicate]

I am not a programmer, just a user who finds Notepad++ very useful.

I want to open Notepad++ twice for separate projects. Each would open with different shortcut (icons). I've read about opening separate instances of Notepad++ using -multiInst and/or -nosession and have not figured this out. I either open the original instance or a blank instance (with no obvious way to open the first, much less the second).

Someone had suggested loading Notepad++ twice, but all that happens is an over-write. I tried creating a sub-directory in Notepad++ with the same results as above.

I am using Windows XP and Notepad++

What am I doing wrong?

Solution 1:

I tested some options from the Notepad++ wiki, and this one worked for me while others didn't.

I know you already mentioned -multiInst. But maybe you are doing something wrong? I just added a detailed description:

  1. Create a new shortcut to your notepad++.exe
  2. Go to Properties of the shortcut (right-click on it)
  3. Append -multiInst to the target line. It should look like this Enter image description here

    Notepad++ v6.2.3.

Since Notepad++ v6.4.3 a new option was added which enables multi instances:

Enter image description here

Solution 2:

In version 6.6.9 just right-click on the file tab and choose open in new instance.