How do I remove a device from the "Other Devices" list on the new tab page?

Solution 1:

Google hasn't fixed this issue yet, but there is one way around it.

So far, this is the only way to remove a device from the “Other Devices” list on the new tab page. You'll have to use Google Chrome for Android to achieve your goal:

  1. Launch Google Chrome on an Android device.
  2. Go to "Other Devices".
  3. Long press on the device you wish to remove.
  4. Click the "Remove" button.

Solution 2:

Around a week after I posted the question, the entry in the Other Devices menu disappeared on its own.

While it's not the most elegant solution, in the end it worked: Just wait a while, and the device will eventually go away.

Solution 3:

Solution from @amiregelz also works on Chrome for iOS now. Same way:

  1. Open Chrome for iOS

  2. Go to the tab for other device:

  3. Long press on the device you wish to remove

  4. Click the "Remove" button