How to run an .exe from linux command prompt
but if it's really a Windows program, you will need to install "wine", then do:
wine abc/info.exe
but only some Windows programs will work under wine.
This anwswer is combining other answers in to this question into one.
The info.exe file will either execute under Linux or Windows, but not both.
Executes Under Windows
If the file is a windows file, it will not run under Linux on it's own. So if that's the case, you could try running it under a windows emulator (WINE). If it's not compatible with wine, then you won't be able to execute it under Linux.
Before you can start, you will need to install wine. The steps you need to install wine will vary on the linux platform you are on. You can probably google "Ubuntu install wine", if for example, you're installing ubuntu.
Once you have wine installed, then you'd be able to execute these commands.
cd abc/
wine info.exe
Execute Under Linux
if you know this file to run under linux, then you'll want to execute these commands:
Change to your abc directory
cd abc/
Then you'll want to change permissions to allow all users to execute this file (a+x).
you could also allow just the user to execute (u+x)
chmod a+x info.exe
Launch the program, the ./ tells the command line to look in the current path for the file to execute (if the 'current' directory isn't in the $PATH environment variable.
you can't :) exe is Microsoft only. now if you had a linux executable you could do:
cd folder
chmod +x file