Changing background colour of tr element on mouseover

<tr>s themselves are very hard to access with CSS, try tr:hover td {background:#000}

You could try:

tr:hover {
    background-color: #000;

tr:hover td {
    background-color: transparent; /* or #000 */

JS Fiddle demo.

I had the same problem:

tr:hover { background: #000 !important; }

allone did not work, but adding

tr:hover td { background: transparent; }

to the next line of my css did the job for me!! My problem was that some of the TDs already had a background-color assigned and I did not know that I have to set that to TRANSPARENT to make the tr:hover work.

Actually, I used it with a classnames:

.trclass:hover { background: #000 !important; }
.trclass:hover td { background: transparent; }

Thanks for these answers, they made my day!! :)

This will work:

tr:hover {
    background: #000 !important;

If you want to only apply bg-color on TD then:

tr:hover td {
    background: #c7d4dd !important;

It will even overwrite your given color and apply this forcefully.