How can I get inside parentheses value in a string?

Solution 1:

Compiles and prints "AED". Even works for multiple parenthesis:

import java.util.regex.*;

public class Main
  public static void main (String[] args)
     String example = "United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED)";
     Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\(([^)]+)\\)").matcher(example);
     while(m.find()) {

The regex means:

  • \\(: character (
  • (: start match group
  • [: one of these characters
  • ^: not the following character
  • ): with the previous ^, this means "every character except )"
  • +: one of more of the stuff from the [] set
  • ): stop match group
  • \\): literal closing paranthesis

Solution 2:

i can't get idea how to split inside parentheses. Would you help highly appreciated

When you split you are using a reg-ex, therefore some chars are forbidden.

I think what you are looking for is

str = str.split("[\\(\\)]")[1];

This would split by parenthesis. It translates into split by ( or ). you use the double \\ to escape the paranthese which is a reserved character for regular expressions.

If you wanted to split by a . you would have to use split("\\.") to escape the dot as well.

Solution 3:

This works...

String str = "United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED)";
String answer = str.substring(str.indexOf("(")+1,str.indexOf(")"));

Solution 4:

I know this was asked over 4 years ago, but for anyone with the same/similar question that lands here (as I did), there is something even simpler than using regex:

String result = StringUtils.substringBetween(str, "(", ")");

In your example, result would be returned as "AED". I would recommend the StringUtils library for various kinds of (relatively simple) string manipulation; it handles things like null inputs automatically, which can be convenient.

Documentation for substringBetween():

There are two other versions of this function, depending on whether the opening and closing delimiters are the same, and whether the delimiter(s) occur(s) in the target string multiple times.

Solution 5:

You could try:

String str = "United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED)";
int firstBracket = str.indexOf('(');
String contentOfBrackets = str.substring(firstBracket + 1, str.indexOf(')', firstBracket));