How to create an infinite loop in Windows batch file?

This is basically what I want in a batch file. I want to be able to re-run "Do Stuff" whenever I press any key to go past the "Pause".

    Do Stuff

Looks like there are only for loops available and no while loops in batch. How do I create an infinite loop then?

Solution 1:

How about using good(?) old goto?


echo Ooops

goto loop

See also this for a more useful example.

Solution 2:

Unlimited loop in one-line command for use in cmd windows:

FOR /L %N IN () DO @echo Oops

enter image description here

Solution 3:

A really infinite loop, counting from 1 to 10 with increment of 0.
You need infinite or more increments to reach the 10.

for /L %%n in (1,0,10) do (
  echo do stuff
  rem ** can't be leaved with a goto (hangs)
  rem ** can't be stopped with exit /b (hangs)
  rem ** can be stopped with exit
  rem ** can be stopped with a syntax error
  call :stop

call :__stop 2>nul

() creates a syntax error, quits the batch

This could be useful if you need a really infinite loop, as it is much faster than a goto :loop version because a for-loop is cached completely once at startup.