Android Studio, logcat cleans after app closes

I'm having a problem with my logcat since update 1.2 Beta for Android Studio. When I run my app it logs everything like it normally did, then I get at the point where my app crashes with the app saying: unfortunately, Game has stopped.

After a few seconds android closes that message. When that happens my logcat also gets fully cleared meaning that I barely get anytime to read the error. I did found some info about a buffer, but it seems that Android Studio doesn't have the option to increase it besides the fact that I doubt that being the problem.

Something that may be useful is that after it clears and stuff the process changes to Android.process.core and the message I get in my logcat is:

04-13 10:28:13.394  12259-12265/android.process.acore D/dalvikvm﹕    
Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries

Edit: I did read about breakpoints, so disabled focus application on breakpoints in Settings-build, execution, deployment-debugger but it didn't have any effect.

I had the same issue, but looks more like a feature than a bug:

In AndroidStudio, the default setting for the Logcat window seems to be "Show only selected Application" (top right corner of the Logcat window)... which is looking at the log of the selected process (your current launch by default). So when your app crashes during testing, that process is gone, so the filter clears the log.

Instead, select "Edit Filter Configuration..." and set up a filter for your app, eg:

  • FilterName: MyApp
  • PackageName: com.example.myapp (<< replace with your app's package name)

...and then select that filter for future runs. This should keep the log there for you, even after the app crashes.

Switch "Show only selected application" to "No filters". This way, you can see logcat output from a process even when that process isn't running.

The downside is that your logcat will be filled with more spam from other processes.