Why does 0.-5 evaluate to -5?

Solution 1:

Trailing digits after a . are optional:

console.log(0. === 0); // true



evalutes to

0 - 5

which is just -5. Similarly,



0 - 5 + 1

which is

-5 + 1

or -4.

Solution 2:

0.-5 could be successfully parsed as 0.[1], - and 5. Below is the abstract syntax tree for the expression generated by AST explorer:

Parse tree generated by AST explorer

This (in an unexpected way) is valid JavaScript and evaluates to -5.

[1] According to the grammar for numeric literals the decimal digits and exponent parts are optional:

NumericLiteral ::

DecimalLiteral ::
  DecimalIntegerLiteral . DecimalDigitsopt ExponentPartopt

Solution 3:

In JS you can express a number with optional decimal point.

x = 5.;    //5
x = 5. + 6.   //11

And as of Tvde1's comment, any Number method can be applied too.


This syntax let us run the Number functions without parentheses.

5.toString() //error
(5).toString() //good
5..toString() //good
5 .toString() // awesome

See this question to find out why.