Set a single reminder on all week days

Thanks to Slack Help center, I'm able to set a reminder on specific days but not on all week days.

My question is: How to set a single reminder on all week day ?

Something like this:

/remind @channel "It's time for daily stand up !" Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday at 11:45am

I found a workaround but it's not really satisfying: set one reminder each day.

I found the params I missed : every weekday

Answer :

/remind @channel "It's time for daily stand up !" every weekday at 11:45am

Edit : Slack Help Center has been updated and now contains tons of reminders examples with parameters !

You can also list them:

/remind @channel "It's time for daily stand up !" at 11:45am every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

however if you run /remind list, you can find out that it is visible as simplified:

Remind @channel “It's time for daily stand up !” at 11:45 every weekday