Javascript: how to dynamically create nested objects using object names given by an array

Solution 1:

Put in a function, short and fast (no recursion).

var createNestedObject = function( base, names ) {
    for( var i = 0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
        base = base[ names[i] ] = base[ names[i] ] || {};

// Usage:
createNestedObject( window, ["shapes", "triangle", "points"] );
// Now window.shapes.triangle.points is an empty object, ready to be used.

It skips already existing parts of the hierarchy. Useful if you are not sure whether the hierarchy was already created.


A fancier version where you can directly assign the value to the last object in the hierarchy, and you can chain function calls because it returns the last object.

// Function: createNestedObject( base, names[, value] )
//   base: the object on which to create the hierarchy
//   names: an array of strings contaning the names of the objects
//   value (optional): if given, will be the last object in the hierarchy
// Returns: the last object in the hierarchy
var createNestedObject = function( base, names, value ) {
    // If a value is given, remove the last name and keep it for later:
    var lastName = arguments.length === 3 ? names.pop() : false;

    // Walk the hierarchy, creating new objects where needed.
    // If the lastName was removed, then the last object is not set yet:
    for( var i = 0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
        base = base[ names[i] ] = base[ names[i] ] || {};

    // If a value was given, set it to the last name:
    if( lastName ) base = base[ lastName ] = value;

    // Return the last object in the hierarchy:
    return base;

// Usages:

createNestedObject( window, ["shapes", "circle"] );
// Now is an empty object, ready to be used.

var obj = {}; // Works with any object other that window too
createNestedObject( obj, ["shapes", "rectangle", "width"], 300 );
// Now we have: obj.shapes.rectangle.width === 300

createNestedObject( obj, "shapes.rectangle.height".split('.'), 400 );
// Now we have: obj.shapes.rectangle.height === 400

Note: if your hierarchy needs to be built from values other that standard objects (ie. not {}), see also TimDog's answer below.

Edit: uses regular loops instead of loops. It's safer in cases where a library modifies the Array prototype.

Solution 2:

function assign(obj, keyPath, value) {
   lastKeyIndex = keyPath.length-1;
   for (var i = 0; i < lastKeyIndex; ++ i) {
     key = keyPath[i];
     if (!(key in obj)){
       obj[key] = {}
     obj = obj[key];
   obj[keyPath[lastKeyIndex]] = value;


var settings = {};
assign(settings, ['Modules', 'Video', 'Plugin'], 'JWPlayer');

Solution 3:

My ES2015 solution. Keeps existing values.

const set = (obj, path, val) => { 
    const keys = path.split('.');
    const lastKey = keys.pop();
    const lastObj = keys.reduce((obj, key) => 
        obj[key] = obj[key] || {}, 
    lastObj[lastKey] = val;


const obj = {'a': {'prop': {'that': 'exists'}}};
set(obj, 'a.very.deep.prop', 'value');
// {"a":{"prop":{"that":"exists"},"very":{"deep":{"prop":"value"}}}}

Solution 4:

Using ES6 is shorten. Set your path into an array. first, you have to reverse the array, to start filling the object.

let obj = ['a','b','c'] // {a:{b:{c:{}}}

const nestedObject = obj.reduce((prev, current) => (
), {});

Solution 5:

Another recursive solution:

var nest = function(obj, keys, v) {
    if (keys.length === 1) {
      obj[keys[0]] = v;
    } else {
      var key = keys.shift();
      obj[key] = nest(typeof obj[key] === 'undefined' ? {} : obj[key], keys, v);

    return obj;

Example usage:

var dog = {bark: {sound: 'bark!'}};
nest(dog, ['bark', 'loudness'], 66);
nest(dog, ['woff', 'sound'], 'woff!');
console.log(dog); // {bark: {loudness: 66, sound: "bark!"}, woff: {sound: "woff!"}}