Most useful shortcut in Eclipse CDT

Solution 1:

Ctrl + Tab : Switch between source and header files.

Solution 2:

Summary of all the shortcuts in this thread and some more.

Ctrl + Tab - Switch between source and header files.

Ctrl + Shift + T - Open Element

Ctrl + Shift + R - Open File/Resource.

Ctrl + = - Explore Macro Expansion.

Ctrl + Space - Show proposals to complete you've written.

Ctrl + Alt + H - Opens the call hierarchy for a function

Ctrl + Shift + N - Adds an #include for the header file in which the current element is declared

Ctrl + i - Corrects indentation of the selected text - very useful in my opinion

Ctrl + d - Deletes current row

Ctrl + h - Opens a search dialog; the "C/C++ Search" tab searches through indexed locations

Ctrl + O - Opens a member browser of the current class, enabling to fastly open a method

F3 - Open declaration

Ctrl + Shift + G - When a function, object or var is selected : find all occurences of it in the project.

Ctrl + Alt + G - Textual search of the currently selected text.

Ctrl + left click - Go to the definition of the item.

Ctrl + j - Incremental search in the current file

Ctrl + k - To search forward for a highlighted text in a file.

Ctrl + Shift + k - To search backward for a highlighted text in a file

Alt + / - Go to previous / go to next edited or viewed place.

Ctrl + m - Maximize or un-maximize current Editor Window (also works for other Windows

Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down Arrow - Jump to previous / jump to next method

Ctrl + q - Jump to last location edited

Ctrl + Shift + p - With a bracket selected: jump to the matching closing or opening bracket

Ctrl + / - Comment/uncomment all selected lines with //

Ctrl + Shift + / - Comment selected block with /* ... */

Ctrl + Shift + \ - Uncomment /* ... */ selected block

Solution 3:

Ctrl + Shift + T : Open Element.

Ctrl + Shift + R : Open File/Resource.

Ctrl + = : Explore Macro Expansion.

Solution 4:

Ctrl + Space : Show proposals to complete you've written.