Sync notes between Android phone and Ubuntu?

I just use text files in a Dropbox folder, in conjunction with Dropbox clients on "real" computers and the Android Dropbox App on my phone. Simple, but it works really well. And if you need something more sophisticated, using .doc files and .xls files with OpenOffice (on the PCs) and DocumentsToGo (on the phone) also works very well (DocumentsToGo is the only Android app I've paid money for, but there's nothing free to compare with it).

There is an app for Android called Tomdroid which had experimental support for web syncing and seems to be close to making a new release. See this thread on the tomdroid mailing list.

There is an Ubuntu One client for Android. It seems like you should be able to sync any files from your phone to your desktop.

If Ubuntu One can't do it, DropBox can.

It's web-based, but 'GooMemo' will sync with a Google Docs account, which in turn could be accessed from or potentially sync'd with Ubuntu. That's what I'm using at the moment.

That said, all of my notes on my ubuntu machine are in a hierarchical tree managed by 'pytombo' (since before I had an android phone). Unfortunately I've not found an equivalent on android to allow me to browse/change these files other than a simple file manager.

Hope that helps and I'll read the other answers with interest!