Word order: already had been or had already been...? [duplicate]

For example:

The word rarely turns up outside of those contexts.

The word turns up rarely outside of those contexts.

Which one is correct and why?

Both correct, I don't think it's supposed to be limited here. Maybe the creative usage "turns rarely up" would also be used in some cases.

Positioning adverbs is a complex affair. There are some rules of thumb, but for many adverbs, it is quite acceptable to place it before or after the verb. In this case, I think either way is acceptable, though I would probably find the former more natural, i.e.

The word rarely turns up outside of those contexts.

but the following is also acceptable, if a bit less natural:

The word turns up rarely outside of those contexts.

Two side notes: a) you want those (the plural of that), since contexts is plural, b) of is required in both cases here, as it belongs with the word outside.