onAnimationEnd is not getting called, onAnimationStart works fine

AnimationEnd is not reliable. If you don't want to rewrite your code with custom views that override OnAnimationEnd, use postDelayed.

Here's some example code:

final FadeUpAnimation anim = new FadeUpAnimation(v);
anim.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator());
new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        //Extra work goes here
}, anim.getDuration());

While it MAY seem ugly, I can guarantee it's very reliable. I use it for ListViews that are inserting new rows while removing with animation to other rows. Stress testing a listener with AnimationEnd proved unreliable. Sometimes AnimationEnd was never triggered. You might want to reapply any transformation in the postDelayed function in case the animation didn't fully finish, but that really depends on what type of animation you're using.

After I don't remember how may posts read and days spent finding out a solution for this issue I discovered that if the object to move is not on the Screen region (for example is positioned out of the screen coords) OnAnimationEnd callback is not getting called. Probably the animation fails just after started (start method is called, I coded a listener) but nothing is wrote into logcat. Maybe this is not exactly your case but this finally solved my problem and hope it can help you too.

Make sure that you are USING view.startAnimation(Animation) AND NOT view.setAnimation(Animation). This simple confusion may be a problem.