Resharper (Find and) fix all issues at once

e.g. alt enter -> context menu -> Find all 'Redundant name qualifier' issues -> but now in the new window that lists all those issues in my project, is there a way to fix them all ? (rather than go through them individualy)


Solution 1:

For now, you have to go through the issues individually. There's an existing request to batch-apply fixes to all similar issues selected in the "Inspection Results" tool window.

Code Cleanup does batch-remove certain issues in any given scope but it's quite limited in the number of fixes it can apply, compared to the number of code issues that ReSharper is able to detect.

Solution 2:

Click into a redundant qualifier, alt+enter, then choose from the context menu that lets you fix the issue however thoroughly you'd like.

Resharper options to remove redundant qualifier

I'm running ReSharper 8.2.

enter image description here