Automatically kill a process if it exceeds a given amount of RAM

I work on large-scale datasets. When testing new software, a script will sometimes sneak up on me, quickly grab all available RAM, and render my desktop unusable. I'd like a way to set a RAM limit for a process so that if it exceeds that amount, it will be killed automatically. A language-specific solution probably won't work, as I use all sorts of different tools (R, Perl, Python, Bash, etc).

So is there some sort of process-monitor that will let me set a threshold amount of RAM and automatically kill a process if it uses more?

I would strongly advise not to do it. As suggested by @chrisamiller , setting ulimit will limit the RAM available with process.

But still if you are insisting then follow this procedure.

  1. Save the following script as

    if [ $# -ne 2 ];
        echo "Invalid number of arguments"
        exit 0
    while true;
        SIZE=$(pmap $1|grep total|grep -o "[0-9]*")
        echo "Process id =$1 Size = $SIZEMB MB"
        if [ $SIZEMB -gt $2 ]; then
            printf "SIZE has exceeded.\nKilling the process......"
            kill -9 "$1"
            echo "Killed the process"
            exit 0
            echo "SIZE has not yet exceeding"
        sleep 10
  2. Now make it executable.

    chmod +x
  3. Now run this script on terminal. Replace PROCID with actual process id and SIZE with size in MB.


    For example:

    ./ 132451 100

    If SIZE is 100 then process will be killed if its RAM usage goes up beyond 100 MB.

Caution: You know what are you trying to do. Killing process is not a good idea. If that process has any shutdown or stop command then edit the script and replace kill -9 command with that shutdown command.

I hate to be the guy who answers his own question, but this morning I found an alternative method, wrapped into a nice little utility. It'll limit CPU time or memory consumption:

I'm giving this one a shot first but upvotes to Amey Jah for the nice answer. I'll check it out if this one fails me.

Try the prlimit tool, from the util-linux package. It runs a program with resource limits. It uses the prlimit system call to set up the limits, which are then enforced purely by the kernel.

You can configure 16 limits, including:

  • maximum amount of CPU time in seconds
  • maximum number of user processes
  • maximum resident set size ("used memory")
  • maximum size a process may lock into memory
  • size of virtual memory
  • maximum number of open files
  • maximum number of file locks
  • maximum number of pending signals
  • maximum bytes in POSIX message queues

This was too big to fit a comment. I modified Amey's original script to include a pgrep, so instead of having to manually enter the process id, you can just exclude by name. For example, ./ chrome 4000 kills any chrome process that exceeds 4GB in memory usage.


# $1 is process name
# $2 is memory limit in MB

if [ $# -ne 2 ];
    echo "Invalid number of arguments"
    exit 0

while true;
    pgrep "$1" | while read -r procId;
        SIZE=$(pmap $procId | grep total | grep -o "[0-9]*")
        echo "Process id = $procId Size = $SIZEMB MB"
        if [ $SIZEMB -gt $2 ]; then
            printf "SIZE has exceeded.\nKilling the process......"
            kill -9 "$procId"
            echo "Killed the process"
            exit 0
            echo "SIZE has not yet exceeding"

    sleep 1

Be careful to select a narrow grep string and a big enough memory limit to not unnecessarily kill unintended processes.