Idiom/phrase for rolling rotation

I am looking for idiom or a phrase I can use to describe rotational support process. The process explained as follows:

  • Week 1: team member A and team member B are in charge of supporting group 1. Team member C and team member D are in charge of supporting group 2
  • Week 2: team member D and team member A are in charge of supporting group 1. Team member B and team member C are in charge of supporting group 2
  • Week 3: team member C and team member D are in charge of supporting group 1. Team member A and team member B are in charge of supporting group 2
  • continue

This reminds me of rolling forcasts in finance and rolling-window in Computer. However, I am looking for an idiom/phrase which I can use for day-to-day work (not field specific). Is there any?

Solution 1:

The common term for this in business is Job Rotation.

Job rotation is a technique used by some employers to rotate their employees' assigned jobs throughout their employment.

Both Staff Rotation and Team Rotation are widely understood variations on this which would fit your needs.