Is there a verb for "thinking someone deserved what he got"?

Note that i am not talking about this in the sense of "he deserved what he got", but rather, "i THINK he deserved it".

Basically, when you see someone with a nice car, or when you see a bad person receiving punishment, there is a verb in german and you say: "Ich gönne es ihm" - Literally translated as "I grant it to him" in Deepl, but that doesnt mean the same. It literally means "I think what he has is justified" - it is mostly used in the positive sense when someone who has been through a hard time finally gets something good in life, and you feel happy for him. I was wondering why there is no english word for this, at least i cant find one?

I don't know about a verb, but for a noun "comeuppance" seems to describe what you're after. For verb, may be "requite" or "recompense"? In Chinese there's a simple phrase: "Bao Ying" (报应).