Word somewhere between useless and straw-man

I would like to find/use a word that is slightly less pejorative than "useless" for: an example that provides almost no help. For example, something like:

The absolute value function finds the non-negative value of a number. Here is an example:
f(x) = abs(1) = 1

I would like the meaning to hopefully imply something like "the person who wrote this gave it close to zero thought, and it's not helpful to anyone who doesn't already know what it means."

I come across this a lot in documentation, and was looking for a good and strong word for it without using something too pejorative!

My current thinking is to say:

The bulk of the examples listed in the documentation are lazy, unimaginative, and more-or-less useless.

How about unilluminating? From M-W:

unilluminating: failing to enlighten or clarify : not illuminating

The example provided for the absolute value function is unilluminating. It fails to enlighten the uninformed reader as to what the function actually means. It sheds no light on the meaning of the function. Seems less pejorative than useless.

The example that you give is superficial, trivial and incomplete.

It is superficial because it does not cover the main feature of the absolute function, which is that Abs(A) = Abs(-A) = A.

It is trivial because it only covers the simplest aspect of that feature: Abs(A)=A. It is incomplete for the same reason.

Of these I prefer trivial, being a term that is used both in English prose and in mathematical discussion.