Allocate memory from Windows to Linux partition

Without the need of re-installing or completely formatting anything, test this:

Open a terminal,

Press Ctrl+Alt+T

Run it:

    sudo -i
    umount /dev/sda3

Since gparted add space unallocated to /dev/sda3 and apply the changes

You have added 30,54 Gib to /dev/sda3

Close gparted and reboot, running on the terminal:


If everything works correctly, do you think a file in free space from /dev/sda3 to use in Ubuntu.

Open a terminal,

Press Ctrl+Alt+T

Run it:

    sudo -i
    cd /media/milkncookiez/4C60D12760D11912
    dd if=/dev/zero of=part-ext count=31457280
    mkfs.ext3 /media/milkncookiez/4C60D12760D11912/part-ext

From now on, you have available a file of 30GB space to mount as ext3 in Ubuntu.

Assuming you want to mount it as /data in your /home/user directory, you must:

Open a terminal,

Press Ctrl+Alt+T

Run it:

     sudo -i
     mkdir /home/milkncookiez/data
     mount -o loop /media/milkncookiez/4C60D12760D11912/part-ext /home/milkncookiez/data
     chmod -Rf 777 /home/milkncookiez/data

And you have available a 30GB in /home/milkncookiez/data.

To make the changes permanent, you must:

Open a terminal,

Press Ctrl+Alt+T

Run it:

     sudo -i
     nano /etc/fstab

You should add this line to the end of file:

   /media/milkncookiez/4C60D12760D11912/part-ext  /home/milkncookiez/data  ext3 loop,rw,auto  0   2

Ctrl + O, save file. Ctrl + X, close nano.