How do I disable automatic screen locking in Xubuntu?

light-locker is the new screen locking program in Xubuntu 14.04. If you disable light-locker, it should stop locking your screen.

How to disable lightlocker

  1. Go to settings manager > session and startup > application autostart and disable light-locker, which is titled “Screen Locker (Launch screen locker program).”
  2. Reboot your machine and it should stop locking. Alternatively, start up Terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T and run killall light-locker.

Source: Disabling screen lock is not possible

One more solution - start a program below:


and shift the Enable light-Locking slider to the OFF position, then hit Close.

This panel contains two Screensaver sliders as well.

There is an easy way: Go to Settings -> Screensaver. In the "Lock Screen" tab, disable the lock screen.
