GC overhead of Optional<T> in Java

We all know that every object allocated in Java adds a weight into future garbage collection cycles,…

That sounds like a statement nobody could deny, but let’s look at the actual work of a garbage collector, considering common implementations of modern JVMs and the impact of an allocated object on it, especially objects like Optional instances which are typically of a temporary nature.

The first task of the garbage collector is to identify objects which are still alive. The name “garbage collector” puts a focus on identifying garbage, but garbage is defined as unreachable objects and the only way to find out which objects are unreachable, is via the process of elimination. So the first task is solved by traversing and marking all reachable objects. So the costs of this process do not depend on the total amount of allocated objects, but only those, which are still reachable.

The second task is to make the memory of the garbage available to new allocations. Instead of puzzling with the memory gaps between still reachable objects, all modern garbage collectors work by evacuating a complete region, transferring all alive objects withing that memory to a new location and adapting the references to them. After the process, the memory is available to new allocations as a whole block. So this is again a process whose costs do not depend on the total amount of allocated objects, but only (a part of) the still alive objects.

Therefore, an object like a temporary Optional may impose no costs on the actual garbage collection process at all, if it is allocated and abandoned between two garbage collection cycles.

With one catch, of course. Each allocation will reduce the memory available to subsequent allocations until there’s no space left and the garbage collection has to take place. So we could say, each allocation reduces the time between two garbage collection runs by the size of the allocation space divided by the object size. Not only is this a rather tiny fraction, it also only applies to a single threaded scenario.

In implementations like the Hotspot JVM, each thread uses a thread local allocation buffer (TLAB) for new objects. Once its TLAB is full, it will fetch a new one from the allocation space (aka Eden space). If there is none available, a garbage collection will be triggered. Now it’s rather unlikely that all threads hit the end of their TLAB right at the same time. So for the other threads which still have some space in their TLAB left at this time, it would not make any difference if they had allocated some more objects still fitting in that remaining space.

The perhaps surprising conclusion is that not every allocated object has an impact on the garbage collection, i.e. a purely local object allocated by a thread not triggering the next gc, could be entirely free.

Of course, this does not apply to allocating a large amount of objects. Allocating lots of them causes the thread to allocate more TLABs and eventually trigger the garbage collection earlier than without. That’s why we have classes like IntStream allowing to process a large number of elements without allocating objects, as would happen with a Stream<Integer>, while there is no problem in providing the result as a single OptionalInt instance. As we know now, a single temporary object has only a tiny impact on the gc, if any.

This did not even touch the JVM’s optimizer, which may eliminate object allocations in hot spots, if Escape Analysis has proven that the object is purely local.