Origin of “I'm an idiot. Comes from upbringing. My father was an idiot. My mother was an idiot” [closed]

In the 1985 movie Back To The Future there is a scene with the following dialogue:

Stella Baines: He's a very strange young man.

Sam Baines: He's an idiot. Comes from upbringing. Parents are probably idiots too. Lorraine, if you ever have a kid that acts that way I'll disown you.

The "idiot" Sam is talking about actually is his daughter Lorraine's future son Marty, but of course they don't know that, they don't know about the time travel involved.

It's not exactly the wording you used, but it's very similar, and given in your version you're talking about yourself obviously you would not say that your parents were "probably" idiots, you would put it more definitely because you know your parents.

I'm not claiming that Back To The Future had the first ever use of the concept, it's just the first documented example that i could think of.