Metaphors for air [closed]

Solution 1:

It depends what exactly the air is doing. A light breeze could be fingers in your hair; on a still humid day, the air could be a weight pressing down on you. In a gale, the air might be a battering ram of force, or a playful giant uprooting trees and hurling them for fun. If it's cold outside the air might be Jack Frost's breath, or a freezer's chill. If it's a hot day it might be a delicious sauna, or an oppressive oven of heat. Your exact context matters quite a lot; think about what you want to say about the air, then make up a metaphor that fits. If you're discussing, say, how a sounds travels through air, you could liken it to a postman; "the still air delivered her whispers straight to my ears". If you're talking about someone short of breath, the air could be a doctor; "I lay gasping on the shore as the air worked to heal my oxygen starved body."