Etymology of "Seasoned" (experienced) --- salt or Summer?

Hey just curious explaining "seasoned" as in veteran to a non-English speaker.

Like "he's a seasoned golf player."

I can't seem to find answers on Google.

Does "seasoned" derive from a food dish "seasoned" --- meaning the guy has been around, so he's been honed and colored through time?

Or is it more "seasoned" --- he's seen many seasons (fall, winter, spring ... years) of X activity?

Just curious.

Solution 1:

It probably derives from Old French assaisoner (to ripen). By extension applied to a mature, experienced person.

To season:

“Improving flavor by adding spices” from Old French assaisoner to ripen, season, on the notion of fruit becoming more palatable as it ripens. Applied to timber by 1540s."
