Meaning of copying

I would like to know if stricly speaking "to copy something" means:

  1. To write down something previously read.
  2. To read and write down something.

In other words, I would like to know if the action of reading is included in the action of copying.

Solution 1:

Welcome! Interesting question.

To copy strictly speaking means to reproduce in some way. Even to have read it means to have copied it into your mind if only briefly. If someone is copying something down then they have either just seen it or have seen it at an earlier time. If they were writing something down and you asked the source they could say where they saw the text earlier but they would probably not say they were copying it. Just recording it or keeping notes.

Copying does seem to imply reading in a way that just writing does not. It has the sensation of taking from if only reading, in order to record again.