gitlab authentication using HTTP_REMOTE_USER environment variable

I've recently been butting my head up against the very same problem, but I've managed to get it to work. This is a very hacky solution so you may want to refine it yourself. I make use of LDAP to provide the email address and user account information, gaining the user name from the HTTP_REMOTE_USER variable which is populated by kerberos via apache.

The following works off a clean install of gitlab with apache running as the webserver. LDAP omniauth should be enabled and properly configured.

First off, we have to make the header available to ruby so, in the virtual host (httpd.conf) add the line:

RequestHeader set REMOTE-USER %{REMOTE_USER}s

After that, I modified a few files to make this work, first up /home/git/gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/gitlab_omniauth-ldap-1.0.3/lib/omniauth/strategies/ldap.rb

I modified lines 43-49 to read:

# Dont allow blank password for ldap auth
      #if request['username'].nil? || request['username'].empty? || request['password'].nil? || request['password'].empty?
      #  raise"Missing login credentials")

      @ldap_user_info = @adaptor.bind_as(:filter => Net::LDAP::Filter.eq(@adaptor.uid, @options[:name_proc].call(request.env['HTTP_REMOTE_USER'].split('@')[0])),:size => 1, :username => "__ldap-user__", :password => "__User-Password__")
      return fail!(:invalid_credentials) if !@ldap_user_info

Replacing __ldap-user__ and __user-Password__ with the credentials for a gitlab user I made for ldap.

We then need to allow the bind_as function to take a username. I modified lines 86-86 of /home/git/gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/gitlab_omniauth-ldap-1.0.3/lib/omniauth-ldap/adaptor.rb to read:

  def bind_as(args = {})
    result = false do |me|
      rs = args
      if rs and rs.first and dn = rs.first.dn
        password = args[:password]
        username = args[:username]
        method = args[:method] || @method
        password = if password.respond_to?(:call)
        if method == 'sasl'
        result = rs.first if me.bind(sasl_auths({:username => username, :password => password}).first)
        result = rs.first if me.bind(:method => :simple, :username => username,
                            :password => password)

and finally I modified the ldap login dialogue to direct the page straight to the callback by deleting everything in /home/git/gitlab/app/views/devise/sessions/_new_ldap.html.haml and adding

  window.location.href = '/users/auth/ldap/callback'

I hope this helps!

Warning: if the mail attribute is not set in the user's LDAP entry, the script will loop.