Word for something that is checked?

Context: A tool that checks various settings or configurations to verify compliance.

Further context: If I were a health safety inspector, I would go to a restaurant and I might review their meat temperatures, cleaning logs, sanitary documentation, food handling practices, etc...

If I were writing about this on a website, there might be a section that goes like this:

Things that are checked

Food safety is a serious matter! When we review your restaurant, we will check:

  • Meat temperatures (both in fridge and when served)
  • Cleaning logs (kitchen, bathroom, and dining area)
  • Sanitary documentation (is it documented where to find gloves or how often a surface needs to be wiped down?)
  • Food handling practices (do chefs wear mouth covers and hair nets)

Im wondering if there is a one-word, accusative-type word for "Things that are checked." Like in German there might be a compound word for DasCheckedThingsen, but we dont readily use such constructions in English.

You go through a checklist. From Lexico


A list of items required, things to be done, or points to be considered, used as a reminder.

You need to create an operations manual that is essentially a series of checklists.

A checklist can be an informal list of things to do (a reminder) or a series of essential steps to take, as a formal procedure, for example pre-flight checks in an aircraft.