Actuator Synonym

I need to be able to ELI5 (Explain it like I am 5) that electrical engineers can perform controls: measurement and actuation. Most people understand sensors perform measurements, on the other hand actuation requires an explanation.

The goal is to find a word that is less likely to require a dictionary. My Google search has not produced a satisfactory synonym.

Actuation can involving controlling a motor or dynamic device, however, it can also control static devices: electrical or optical switching. For example the modem in your cell phone is physically static. Assume the target audience is Human Resources or other non-technical audience.

Is there a synonym (that does not require a high school graduate to lookup) for actuation? Suggested words are appreciated.

You have used the word yourself. The noun Control would suffice for Actuator. The verb to Actuate or Control would get the idea across properly. Your control would suit all needs whether static or dynamic. Just how a controller controls or an actuator actuates is clearly beyond your audience's needs. The word will be understood even if the technical detail is not.

My experience of actuate within the physical and engineering sciences has always included a notion of starting something (to set it in action). To actuate a mechanism is at least to start it and perhaps also to control it. Indeed, you yourself mention switching as an example of actuation.

Hence, we may actuate a solar power supply by switching it on; thereafter it may run unattended and uncontrolled for decades.

I suggest “activation” as a word more accessible to general readers.