Word meaning society ruled by Artificial General Intelligence?

I remember reading a word once which had this meaning which starts with the letter 'a', like "agritocracy" or "autotocracy". I just can't remember the word now; it specifically means rule of a society by an artificial general intelligence. Mostly I'm creating this question for self-tracking. I already know such a word exists because I read it and looked up the meaning in the past. I just can't remember the word a few months later.

According to Wikipedia, "automata" (the plural of automaton) is a theoretical branch of computer science that has played a major role in artificial intelligence. The word you are looking for, therefore, would be "Automatocracy". See Wikipedia link

Though the following word doesn't begin with the letter 'a', Wiktionary lists

robotocracy (uncountable)

rule by robots

The robots involved would obviously have to possess intelligence at some level; [Wikipedia] licenses this (though the very existence of the word virtually demands it) here:

Robots can be autonomous

And in this article:

Autonomous robotics is usually considered to be a subfield of artificial intelligence, robotics, and information engineering

though of course outward appearance need not be humanoid.

The term automatocracy is mentioned (with the equivalent of scare quotes) in this Wikipedia article on 'Political ideas in Science Fiction', but has a very limited circulation. Though it has been used outside the SF community; this Reddit article on politics uses the term. It is perhaps borderline acceptable, needing scare quotes outside SF at the moment.