How to use the word 'Earth' [duplicate]

I am using both words 'Earth' (in the sense of the planet Earth) and also 'earth' (in the sense of land, minerals,soil, etc) and the proofreading software shows an error asking me to make them both consistent. Please let me know if it is okay that I use both the words 'Earth', 'earth' or do I have to make them consistent. I believe that when refer to the earth as a planet then you should capitalize it.

While some could consider this "When to capitalize the word "earth"", it seems to me that you already know that you capitalize "Earth" when it is a proper noun (referring to our planet, Earth, in our solar system), and when it is just a noun referring to land/dirt/etc you don't capitalize.

The question is really just, "is it okay to use the same homonyms and only capitalize one of them," and the answer is: yes, only capitalize the proper noun; it is okay to mix and match the two homonyms.