What is a single word to describe 'Extremely Delicate'?

A word that implies fragility while being more poetic, and which rhymes with mellifluous, is diaphanous:

1 : characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through
    // diaphanous fabrics
    // a diaphanous curtain
2 : characterized by extreme delicacy of form : ETHEREAL
    // painted diaphanous landscapes 3 : INSUBSTANTIAL, VAGUE
    // had only a diaphanous hope of success

Using it in the passage from the question:

I hear your mellifluous footsteps in the diaphanous hallways of my self.

Ethereal would be a good choice.

American Heritage Dictionary


  1. Extremely light or delicate: "An ant lion ... is lovely, long-bodied like a damselfly, with a pair of ethereal wings" (Jennifer Ackerman).