How to Update iOS SDK Version in Expo

Solution 1:

There are two different scenarios:

Building on Expo Server

A quick test:

  • built with expo-cli build:ios
  • version is built on
  • downloaded .ipa
  • checked entry DTXcodeBuild in info.plist

This gives the value 10A255, which actually indeed means Xcode 10.0 released on 17 Sep 2018.

As mentioned by Jeaf Gilbert in the comments, Expo is aware of this:

thanks for reporting! We're aware of this warning and we promise the issue will be resolved before March 2019

see here:

Ejected to ExpoKit

If ejected to ExpoKit then Expo is using the SDK of the installed Xcode version, because the building is managed locally.

In this case just install the newest Xcode version. This also includes the newest SDK.