How do I compare two arrays in scala?

From Programming Scala:


You need to change your last line to

a.deep == b.deep

to do a deep comparison of the arrays.

  a.corresponds(b){_ == _}

Scaladoc: true if both sequences have the same length and p(x, y) is true for all corresponding elements x of this wrapped array and y of that, otherwise false

For best performance you should use:

java.util.Arrays.equals(a, b)

This is very fast and does not require extra object allocation. Array[T] in scala is the same as Object[] in java. Same story for primitive values like Int which is java int.

As of Scala 2.13, the deep equality approach doesn't work and errors out:

val a: Array[Int] = Array(1,2,4,5)
val b: Array[Int] = Array(1,2,4,5)
a.deep == b.deep // error: value deep is not a member of Array[Int]

sameElements still works in Scala 2.13:

a sameElements b // true