Convert into a useable string using Arduino?

I'm using two Arduinos to sent plain text strings to each other using newsoftserial and an RF transceiver.

Each string is perhaps 20-30 characters in length. How do I convert into a string so I can do if x == "testing statements", etc.?

Unlimited string readed:

String content = "";
char character;
while(Serial.available()) {
     character =;
if (content != "") {

From Help with Serial.Read() getting string:

char inData[20]; // Allocate some space for the string
char inChar=-1; // Where to store the character read
byte index = 0; // Index into array; where to store the character

void setup() {
    Serial.write("Power On");

char Comp(char* This) {
    while (Serial.available() > 0) // Don't read unless
                                       // there you know there is data
       if(index < 19) // One less than the size of the array
           inChar =; // Read a character
           inData[index] = inChar; // Store it
           index++; // Increment where to write next
           inData[index] = '\0'; // Null terminate the string

    if (strcmp(inData,This)  == 0) {
       for (int i=0;i<19;i++) {
    else {

void loop()
    if (Comp("m1 on")==0) {
        Serial.write("Motor 1 -> Online\n");
    if (Comp("m1 off")==0) {
       Serial.write("Motor 1 -> Offline\n");

You can use Serial.readString() and Serial.readStringUntil() to parse strings from Serial on the Arduino.

You can also use Serial.parseInt() to read integer values from serial.

int x;
String str;
void loop() 
     if(Serial.available() > 0)
        str = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
        x = Serial.parseInt();

The value to send over serial would be my string\n5 and the result would be str = "my string" and x = 5

I was asking the same question myself and after some research I found something like that.

It works like a charm for me. I use it to remote control my Arduino.

// Buffer to store incoming commands from serial port
String inData;
void setup() {
    Serial.println("Serial conection started, waiting for instructions...");
void loop() {
    while (Serial.available() > 0)
        char recieved =;
        inData += recieved; 
        // Process message when new line character is recieved
        if (recieved == '\n')
            Serial.print("Arduino Received: ");
            // You can put some if and else here to process the message juste like that:

            if(inData == "+++\n"){ // DON'T forget to add "\n" at the end of the string.
              Serial.println("OK. Press h for help.");

            inData = ""; // Clear recieved buffer

This would be way easier:

char data [21];
int number_of_bytes_received;

if(Serial.available() > 0)
    number_of_bytes_received = Serial.readBytesUntil (13,data,20); // read bytes (max. 20) from buffer, untill <CR> (13). store bytes in data. count the bytes recieved.
    data[number_of_bytes_received] = 0; // add a 0 terminator to the char array

bool result = strcmp (data, "whatever");
// strcmp returns 0; if inputs match.

if (result == 0)
   Serial.println("data matches whatever");
   Serial.println("data does not match whatever");