Emulating extra displays
Solution 1:
I found the solution using Xephyr and Xdmx
First create the Xephyr displays
Xephyr -screen 1920x1080 -ac :1
Xephyr -screen 1920x1080 -ac :2
Xephyr -screen 1920x1080 -ac :3
This creates 3 windows 1920x1080, each of these will act as a monitor
Next add the xinerama layer onto these virtual displays
Xdmx +xinerama -xinput local -display :1 -display :2 -display :3 -ac :4
Next create a fresh terminal and start your window manager or application like so
or if you just wanted to test an applications xinerama support instead of xmonad
you could run xterm
or thunar
Solution 2:
You only need a single instance of Xephyr.
Xephyr +xinerama -screen 1920x1080 -screen 1920x1080 -screen 1920x1080 -ac :1
If you need RANDR extension, add +extension RANDR
Xephyr +extension RANDR +xinerama -screen 1920x1080 -screen 1920x1080 -screen 1920x1080 -ac :1