How to import a single table in to mysql database using command line

I had successfully imported a database using command line, but now my pain area is how to import a single table with its data to the existing database using command line.

Solution 1:

Linux :

In command line

 mysql -u username -p  databasename  < path/example.sql

put your table in example.sql

Import / Export for single table:

  1. Export table schema

    mysqldump -u username -p databasename tableName > path/example.sql

    This will create a file named example.sql at the path mentioned and write the create table sql command to create table tableName.

  2. Import data into table

    mysql -u username -p databasename < path/example.sql

    This command needs an sql file containing data in form of insert statements for table tableName. All the insert statements will be executed and the data will be loaded.

Solution 2:


mysqldump --user=root databasename > whole.database.sql
mysqldump --user=root databasename onlySingleTableName > single.table.sql


Whole database:

mysql --user=root wholedatabase < whole.database.sql

Single table:

mysql --user=root databasename < single.table.sql