Select all DIV text with single mouse click

How to highlight/select the contents of a DIV tag when the user clicks on the DIV...the idea is that all of the text is highlighted/selected so the user doesn't need to manually highlight the text with the mouse and potentially miss a bit of the text?

For example, say we've got a DIV as below:

<div id="selectable"></div>

...and when the user clicks on any of that URL the whole URL text is highlighted so they can easily drag the selected text around in the browser, or copy the complete URL with a right click.


function selectText(containerid) {
    if (document.selection) { // IE
        var range = document.body.createTextRange();
    } else if (window.getSelection) {
        var range = document.createRange();
<div id="selectable" onclick="selectText('selectable')"></div>

Now you have to pass the ID as an argument, which in this case is "selectable", but it's more global, allowing you to use it anywhere multiple times without using, as chiborg mentioned, jQuery.

UPDATE 2017:

To select the node's contents call:


This works on all modern browsers including IE9+ (in standards mode).

Runnable Example:

function select(id) {
#outer-div  { padding: 1rem; background-color: #fff0f0; }
#target-div { padding: 1rem; background-color: #f0fff0; }
button      { margin: 1rem; }
<div id="outer-div">
  <div id="target-div">
    Some content for the 
    <br>Target DIV

<button onclick="select(id);">Click to SELECT Contents of #target-div</button>

The original answer below is obsolete since window.getSelection().addRange(range); has been deprecated

Original Answer:

All of the examples above use:

    var range = document.createRange();
    range.selectNode( ... );

but the problem with that is that it selects the Node itself including the DIV tag etc.

To select the Node's text as per the OP question you need to call instead:

    range.selectNodeContents( ... )

So the full snippet would be:

    function selectText( containerid ) {

        var node = document.getElementById( containerid );

        if ( document.selection ) {
            var range = document.body.createTextRange();
            range.moveToElementText( node  );
        } else if ( window.getSelection ) {
            var range = document.createRange();
            range.selectNodeContents( node );
            window.getSelection().addRange( range );

There is pure CSS4 solution:

    -webkit-touch-callout: all; /* iOS Safari */
    -webkit-user-select: all; /* Safari */
    -khtml-user-select: all; /* Konqueror HTML */
    -moz-user-select: all; /* Firefox */
    -ms-user-select: all; /* Internet Explorer/Edge */
    user-select: all; /* Chrome and Opera */


user-select is a CSS Module Level 4 specification, that is currently a draft and non-standard CSS property, but browsers support it well — see #search=user-select.

    -webkit-touch-callout: all; /* iOS Safari */
    -webkit-user-select: all; /* Safari */
    -khtml-user-select: all; /* Konqueror HTML */
    -moz-user-select: all; /* Firefox */
    -ms-user-select: all; /* Internet Explorer/Edge */
    user-select: all; /* Chrome and Opera */

<div class="selectable">
click and all this will be selected

Read more on user-select here on MDN and play with it here in w3scools

The answer of Neuroxik was really helpful. I had only a trouble with Chrome, because when I clicked on an external div, It did not work. I could solve it removing the old ranges before add the new range:

function selectText(containerid) {
    if (document.selection) {
        var range = document.body.createTextRange();
    } else if (window.getSelection()) {
        var range = document.createRange();
<div id="selectable" onclick="selectText('selectable')"></div>