Disable build window when building in Sublime Text 2

Solution 1:

The default setting is in Preferences.sublime-settingsin the Default bundle:

// Shows the Build Results panel when building. If set to false, the Build
// Results can be shown via the Tools/Build Results menu.
"show_panel_on_build": true,

You can either edit that, or add an override to your user settings (on OS X: Sublime Text 2 » Preferences » Settings – User or Cmd,).

Solution 2:

Or you can set it programmatically in Sublime Text 3 with some added logic, eg. show on errors only.

open and edit \Sublime Text 3\Packages\Default\exec.py*
*note: Default.sublime-package is a renamed zip archive.

notice these two functions

def on_data(self, proc, data):

def on_finished(self, proc):
    # some logic here

More reading here.