How can I easily get the manufacturer and model of my monitor?

How can I get the manufacturer and model of my monitor from within Windows, without having to disconnect and manhandle a 27" inch monitor looking for a label that may not exist, or download any third-party software? It seems odd that there's no native, software-only solution to do this on Windows 7.


This question was initially claimed to be a duplicate of another question. It isn't a duplicate of the proposed question because:

  1. The proposed question is specific to laptops.

  2. The proposed question is incredibly broad, seeking to cover all (laptop) hardware with a single solution. My question, by contrast, is asking about a piece of hardware specific to desktop computers. I did so knowing that it is notoriously hard for Windows 7 users to obtain specifics for said piece of hardware with a native software solution. This is evidenced by the fact that none of the answers to the supposed original question correctly answer mine, despite said question having existed since 2009, and by the fact that the only correct answer to my question is an obscure command-line one.

  3. The proposed question doesn't specify native-only solutions, which is an important requirement for me and many other users who want to be able to accomplish such a relatively simple task without downloading or installing additional software.


I accepted the current answer because it is the right solution to the question I asked, even though it doesn't work in my specific instance due to bad EDID values. For that specific issue, I created a follow-up question here.

Get Manufacturer and Model of Monitor(s) via Command Line

You can use wmic for the task of getting the monitor make and model information from a Windows system. I tested and confirmed this works with both Windows 7 and Windows 10.


Furthermore, if you need to get the serial number, I've included a resource below that has some PowerShell script examples that I also confirmed works with both Windows 7 and Windows 10.

It's important to run the command prompt (and PowerShell) elevated as administrator to ensure this works properly.

Command Example

wmic desktopmonitor get Caption, MonitorType, MonitorManufacturer, Name

Example Results

enter image description here

enter image description here

Further Resources

  • wmic
  • SpiceWorks - PowerShell Get Monitor Serial Number, etc

    $LogFile = "C:\test\monitors.txt"
    function Decode {
        If ($args[0] -is [System.Array]) {
        Else {
            "Not Found"
    echo "Name, Serial"
    ForEach ($Monitor in Get-WmiObject WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\wmi) {  
        $Name = Decode $Monitor.UserFriendlyName -notmatch 0
        $Serial = Decode $Monitor.SerialNumberID -notmatch 0
        echo "$Name, $Serial" >> $LogFile

    enter image description here

Try the free DumpEDID utility created by Nir Sofer of NirSoft. It's a command line utility, so you will need to run it from a command prompt. There's no installation process needed; you can run the program after extracting it from the downloaded zip file. I've included output from the program below as an example of the information it provides.

C:\Program Files\NirSoft\dumpedid>dumpEDID
DumpEDID v1.06
Copyright (c) 2006 - 2017 Nir Sofer
Web site:

Active                   : No
Registry Key             : DISPLAY\HWP2904\1&8713bca&0&UID0
Monitor Name             : HP S2031
Serial Number            : 3CQ0311PV2
Manufacture Week         : 31 / 2010
ManufacturerID           : 61474 (0xF022)
ProductID                : 10500 (0x2904)
Serial Number (Numeric)  : 16843009 (0x01010101)
EDID Version             : 1.3
Display Gamma            : 2.20
Vertical Frequency       : 50 - 76 Hz
Horizontal Frequency     : 24 - 83 KHz
Maximum Image Size       : 44 X 25 cm (19.9 Inch)
Maximum Resolution       : 1600 X 900
Support Standby Mode     : No
Support Suspend Mode     : No
Support Low-Power Mode   : Yes
Support Default GTF      : No
Digital                  : No

Supported Display Modes  :
     720 X  400  70 Hz
     640 X  480  60 Hz
     800 X  600  60 Hz
    1024 X  768  60 Hz
    1280 X  720  60 Hz
    1440 X  900  60 Hz
    1280 X 1024  60 Hz
    1600 X  900  60 Hz


Active                   : No
Registry Key             : DISPLAY\HWP2904\4&2199b20&0&UID16843008
Monitor Name             : HP S2031
Serial Number            : 3CQ0311PV2
Manufacture Week         : 31 / 2010
ManufacturerID           : 61474 (0xF022)
ProductID                : 10500 (0x2904)
Serial Number (Numeric)  : 16843009 (0x01010101)
EDID Version             : 1.3
Display Gamma            : 2.20
Vertical Frequency       : 50 - 76 Hz
Horizontal Frequency     : 24 - 83 KHz
Maximum Image Size       : 44 X 25 cm (19.9 Inch)
Maximum Resolution       : 1600 X 900
Support Standby Mode     : No
Support Suspend Mode     : No
Support Low-Power Mode   : Yes
Support Default GTF      : No
Digital                  : No

Supported Display Modes  :
     720 X  400  70 Hz
     640 X  480  60 Hz
     800 X  600  60 Hz
    1024 X  768  60 Hz
    1280 X  720  60 Hz
    1440 X  900  60 Hz
    1280 X 1024  60 Hz
    1600 X  900  60 Hz


C:\Program Files\NirSoft\dumpedid>

In the above example, from the "Monitor Name" line I can determine the monitor was manufactured by HP with a model number of S2031.