Excel: I need a formula that will count months between two dates. If it's 1-15 it should be a half month. Any ideas?

Assuming the dates are in G8, H8

=DATEDIF(G8, H8, "m") +1 -IF(DAY(G8) <16,0, 0.5)

enter image description here

If someone want's a more precise solution for month fractions, they could use

=(date1 - date2)/(365/12)

It considers a month to be on average 365/12 days long,

I can use it for simple (approximate) monthly interest calculations like this one:

$1000 charged 1.5% per month from the day of this posting until the current date

=1000*(1.015)^( (TODAY()-DATE(2018,2,6))/(365/12) )