Using Excel Linest function with blank cells

I need LINEST function to be applied with blank cells to get the slope parameter as well as the associated standard error. I can get the slope parameter with a normal function that may resolve the problem via other complementary functions, but not its standard error, I think. Is there any solution for using LINEST with blank cells in array form? Any ideas, please?

I’m guessing you have something like

                                                Excel worksheet with missing data

where B = 2×A+3, but with some B data missing.  Filter out your blank Y (B) values:

filter dialog box->resulting filtered data view

Now select your data, type Alt+;, copy, and paste somewhere (probably a new sheet would be good).  You now have just your complete data:

                                              data with no rows with missing data

and you should be able to get your stats from that.