Word for bad habit considering alcohol, drugs

I couldn’t find this word for so long I am starting to feel like I am making it up.

When we are asking a friend what they’d like to drink we can say “what’s your choice of poison?” The word I am looking for is a substitute for poison, more in the meaning of bad habit. I think it started with a v or sounded like “virtue” but I am not exactly sure of that (may be something completely different), I think a friend of mine asked me the question a while ago and I loved the usage of the word but can’t remember it. So what would you say to a person “what’s your choice of _____ tonight?” when you’re asking for their preference of alcoholic beverage or drugs?

How about vice, along the lines of the clever comment courtesy of @BitterDreggs. From Lexico:

vice: A weakness of character or behavior; a bad habit.

Your example:

What's you choice of vice tonight? OR What's your vice tonight?

Vice conveys the meaning of "bad habit", begins with "v", and, ironically, sounds a little like "virtue".