Is there a noun for the opposite of "gift"? I want to use in a context like, "A kind word can be a gift but a kind word said in malice is not a gift. It is a ____." Something that means like a gifting debit, a withdrawal rather than a contribution. What is a good noun for this?

A Trojan Horse is a "gift" given with malicious intent. If you have ever heard of Trojan programs, they are called that for this specific reason.

There are quite a few antonyms for gift, and the two which seem most appropriate are, 'penalty' and 'fine', however, they don't really fit with your context.

in your context, "A kind word can be a gift but a kind word said in malice is not a gift. It is a ____."

I would use an antonym of 'blessing'; either 'curse' or 'scourge'.

"A kind word can be a gift but a kind word said in malice is not a gift. It is a scourge."