How to Generate a calling graph for C++ code

Solution 1:

static void D() { }
static void Y() { D(); }
static void X() { Y(); }
static void C() { D(); X(); }
static void B() { C(); }
static void S() { D(); }
static void P() { S(); }
static void O() { P(); }
static void N() { O(); }
static void M() { N(); }
static void G() { M(); }
static void A() { B(); G(); }

int main() {


$ clang++ -S -emit-llvm main1.cpp -o - | opt -analyze -dot-callgraph
$ dot -Tpng -ocallgraph.png

Yields some shiny picture (there is an "external node", because main has external linkage and might be called from outside that translation unit too):


You may want to postprocess this with c++filt, so that you can get the unmangled names of the functions and classes involved. Like in the following

#include <vector>

struct A { 
  void f(); // not defined, prevents inlining it!

int main() {
  std::vector<A> v;

$ clang++ -S -emit-llvm main1.cpp -o - |
   opt -analyze -std-link-opts -dot-callgraph
$ cat | 
   c++filt | 
   sed 's,>,\\>,g; s,-\\>,->,g; s,<,\\<,g' | 
   gawk '/external node/{id=$1} $1 != id' | 
   dot -Tpng -ocallgraph.png    

Yields this beauty (oh my, the size without optimizations turned on was too big!)


That mystical unnamed function, Node0x884c4e0, is a placeholder assumed to be called by any function whose definition is not known.

Solution 2:

You can achieve that by using doxygen (with option to use dot for graphs generation).

enter image description here

With Johannes Schaub - litb main.cpp, it generates this:

enter image description here

doxygen/dot are probably easier than clang/opt to install and run. I did not manage to install it myself and that's why I tried to find an alternative solution!