SSH login: automatically goto last directory visited?

During my multitasking days, sometimes I will be booted off of an SSH session for one reason or another (idle timeouts, etc), while I am working on another task. When I return to the terminal, I will find myself back at localhost, needing to SSH back to the server. Once back at the server, I'm always in my ~ home directory by default and I need to navigate back to the directory I was at last (if I can remember it) in order to continue working.

Is it possible to automatically return to the last directory I was working in when I login?

I was thinking a homebrew solution would be aliasing cd to change directories but also save that directory into some environment variable, and then changing to that directory in my .bash_profile.

But is there any sort of functionality like this already in Linux?

Instead of solving the cd persistence problem, you should consider solutions to resume your shell session.

  • tmux
    • Inside SSH, run tmux to start a new session
    • If disconnected, SSH in again, and run tmux attach to resume the session
    • Inside a tmux session, you can press CtrlB, then D to detach
  • screen
    • Inside SSH, run screen to start a new session
    • If disconnected, SSH in again, and run screen -r to resume the session
    • Inside a screen session, you can press CtrlA, then D to detach
  • mosh
    • mosh is an SSH replacement that runs over UDP and is designed to be resistant to network disruptions

No need for any 3rd party software or app, just use built-in linux

  1. when log out, assign $PWD (last dir) to a temporary var before logout:

echo $PWD >~/lastdir

  1. when log in, cd that dir at ~/.bash_profile:

cd $(<~/lastdir)

  1. Can append below statement to ~/.bash_logout

    echo `pwd` >~/.lastdir
  2. (as @isaac-Zhao suggested) add the following to ~/.bash_profile

    cd $(<~/.lastdir)